No freedom without freedom of the press!

von Stef Manzini (Kommentare: 0)


Why didn't the Stoll family know what their daughter had? The answer is simple. Where they have informed themselves, "post vaccine" does not occur. It is not about the fact that so-called "Corona Vaccine Damaged" do not want to inform themselves, they simply do not have access to it. The masses inform themselves in the mass media, and these mass media do not inform the masses! At least not when it comes to divergent opinions on the so-called mission statement. What becomes of those affected does not seem to matter. How else could it be explained that media that normally pounce like vultures on every sensation, do not react here?

I asked in January 2022 where the freedom of the press has gone, I also wonder how deep those journalists have buried their professional honor - who do not even try to bring light into the darkness - if you hold the candle right in front of their noses, so to speak?

The new media, and this includes the now have the task of ensuring that people like Hannah and her stories are not swept under the carpet. They must prevent the cloak of silence about the possible catastrophic side effects and effects of a vaccine with emergency authorization, whose dangerousness and harmfulness the manufacturers, such as BioNTech/Pfizer, have to admit in current studies.

We are dealing here with a double total failure, one concerns the medical profession, the other the old media. Shame on you, take your hat and leave, you want to shout to them.

In order to prevent profound scientists and vigilant doctors from receiving clear findings about the danger of "genetic manipulation with spike protein" called "corona vaccination" publicity, they have been given the maximum penalty, and at the same time all journalists and media who want to publish this, as a precautionary measure: "All deep brown right extremits and conspirators". This strategy has worked, how long will we see, because once it will be over.

But: There are the doctors and scientists, the activists, lawyers and journalists who do not participate in the cover-up. These people have a real offer to make to society. It has always existed and will pass it on, without it no free life is conceivable. The fact that they are hindered and punished in this country in an unprecedented way has not yet arrived in the general public. It has to be that way, because if this public knows this and if it ignores it, it would not be worthy of freedom.

Begleiten und unterstützen SIE bitte wohlwollend unsere „unabhängige Schreibe“. Journalistische Arbeit hat ihren Wert und einen Preis, daher freue ich mich besonders das dennoch NIEMAND bei vor einer Bezahlschranke landet! Unsere Information soll für JEDE und JEDEN gleichermaßen zugänglich sein. Wir tun dies im Vertrauen darauf, breit getragen zu werden.

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